For some people, snacking is a fact of life - it's what they do. For others, it's unnecessary - they watch what they eat and eat when they have to, not when they want to. Snack Foods are found everywhere at the grocery store - tempting you with their colorful packaging, exciting illustrations and appetite-whetting names (i.e. Chex's 'Party Mix' - who doesn't want a party in their mouth?). It's important to note that there are healthier alternatives to calorie and sodium-loaded snacks - broccoli, carrots, apple slices - but what 9-year old wants to eat something that's actually good for him and isn't going to send him on a 4-hour sugar-high-rampage?
Granted, snacking is bound to happen, it's a fact of life; You're hungry, you want something to munch on, it's between meal times and you don't give a 'F' whether or not what you find and put in your mouth is actually good for you - instant gratification, and typically 'merican. The worst being when the person who may happen to be sharing a bed with you snacks on a crumbly snack food in the middle of the night leaving you to wake up in an itchy mess of their crumbs. Come on.
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